Date & Time
Thursday, October 16, 2014
7:00 am
   |   Live Event

Littler's Sacramento office will present a lively look at new developments in labor and employment law. We will review the effects, positive and negative, of recent litigation, legislative, and agency trends, as well as explore a wide range of cutting edge labor/employment topics affecting employers of all sizes, such as:

  • We have to pay for what?! Employers’ burgeoning new reimbursement obligations
  • When is an independent contractor really an employee? (More often than you might think!)
  • What can employers learn from the Supreme Court’s ruling on warrantless smartphone search?
  • New rules affecting employees who are pregnant, disabled, or just plain sick
  • Legislative wrap-up: What bills is Jerry Brown signing and how will they affect my workplace?

Breakfast & Registration: 8:00 am - 8:30 am

Program: 8:30 am - 10:30 am

Upcoming Dates:
October 24 - Redding
October 28 - Chico
November 6 - Modesto

Cost: $35

Hyatt Regency Sacramento
1209 L Street
Sacramento, CA

Continuing Education: CLE and SPHR/PHR credit will be requested

Questions? Email Juleantonette Lopez or call (408) 795-3432