Date & Time
Thursday, January 24, 2013
8:00 am
   |   Live Event

This 4-part breakfast briefing series will address a variety of HR pitfalls most likely affecting your HR department. Our panel of seasoned attorneys will provide you practical guidance and advice, leaving you with a clear understanding of how best to navigate through uncertain terrain. 

From rapid-fire NLRB social media decisions to same sex marriage and recreational marijuana, 2012 brought significant changes to the employment law landscape. Littler Mendelson will help you relive the good, the bad, and ugly, and provide practical solutions and guidance for how the legal developments of 2012 will impact HR departments. Topics will include wage and hour, confidentiality of investigations, social media, at-will employment disclaimers, paid sick time, criminal background checks, and much, much more!

There is no charge for this program and registration includes 2 hours of parking in the One Union Square Garage.

Breakfast & Registration: 7:30 am – 8:00 am

Program: 8:00 am – 9:00 am

Upcoming Dates:
February 28 - Tough Reasonable Accommodation Scenarios
March 28 – Dealing with Workplace Threats and Workplace Violence
April 25 – Wage and Hour Issues

One Union Square – Boardroom
(Lower Building Lobby – Sixth Avenue Level) 
600 University Street
Seattle, WA

Continuing Education: CLE and SPHR/PHR credit will be requested

Questions? Email Juleantonette Lopez or call (408) 795-3432
