Employer background checks are under fire from many angles, and, in many cases, background check practices have led to multi-million dollar lawsuits and settlements. This session will go beyond background check basics typically addressed in such materials to address the core – and complex – logistical, contractual and practical issues in conducting background checks and evaluating and potentially transferring liabilities related to them. In this session, we will cover topics such as:
- New case law raising questions about the manner (e.g., mail, email, certified mail) and timing of preadverse and adverse action notices, especially when complicated by overlapping state and local laws
- Proper communication among employers, background check companies and insurers to establish an understanding of shared and independent responsibilities and liabilities (Who is doing what? Who handles what? Who is preserving what?)
- Addressing shared risk and liability issues when staffing agencies, temporary employment agencies or other contingent workforce operations conduct background checks or when checks are done under standards set by clients or government contracts
- Navigating compliance in the face of software or other third-party technical limitations
10:00 - 11:00 am PT
12:00 - 1:00 pm CT
1:00 - 2:00 pm ET