United Kingdom: Advertising Requirement for Points-Based System (Tier 2) Extended to Four Weeks

Responding to proposals by the Migration Advisory Committee, the UK Border Agency (UKBA) has announced that before employers may hire migrant workers for a job under Tier 2 of the points-based system, they must advertise the position for four weeks. Previously, the test required two weeks of advertising, or one week’s advertising for jobs with salaries of £40,000 or more. The change is intended to better support British nationals looking for skilled jobs as the country comes out of the economic downturn.

The change will take effect December 14, 2009. To provide flexibility to employers, the four weeks of advertising will not need to run continuously. Employers that have already advertised positions need not re-advertise to meet the requirement.

Updated guidance for Tier 2 sponsors will be provided on UKBA’s website on December 14.

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