Your search returned 1038 results.

In the News
March 7, 2022

May I Have My Paycheck in Bitcoin?: Crypto Payments Explained

Lisa (Lee) Schreter weighs in on employers paying employees in cryptocurrencies and the legal questions that may raise.

In the News
March 4, 2022

USDA Wants Contractors To Certify Labor Law Compliance

Michael Lotito discusses possible opposition to a USDA proposed rule that would require federal contractors to certify that they are in compliance with workplace laws and regulations.

March 1, 2022

Viewpoint: A Checklist to Prepare for the DOL's Expansion of FMLA Audits

Jeff Nowak offers advice to employers on the DOL’s announcement that it will ramp up Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), as well as wage and hour, audits.

February 25, 2022

Canada to introduce legislation requiring employers to disclose electronic monitoring of workers

Rhonda B. Levy breaks down new Ontario legislation that requires employers to tell their workers if and how they are being monitored electronically.

In the News
February 22, 2022

SHRM Urges NLRB to Preserve Current Independent-Contractor Standard

Michael Lotito advises HR professionals that there are other tests to determine independent-contractor status and they may produce results that differ from the NLRA’s test.
