Your search returned 383 results.

In the News
April 12, 2023

Federal Judge’s Decision Creates Uncertain Future for ACA-Based Free Preventive Care

Anne Sanchez LaWer weighs in on a Texas judge’s decision to strike down the Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandate that delivered free coverage for certain preventive healthcare services.

In the News
March 29, 2023

Train Managers as PUMP Act Enforcement and PWFA Effective Dates Approach

Mark Phillis says the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act's (PWFA) accommodation provisions are based on the ADA's, but under the PWFA, an employer may temporarily have to eliminate an essential job function. (Subscription required.)

In the News
March 22, 2023

Philadelphia Court Ruling Highlights Need for Clear PTO Policies

Stephanie Mills-Gallan and Adam Fiss weigh in on a recent federal appeals court ruling that employees’ accumulated paid time off is not a part of their salary under U.S. wage law.

March 21, 2023

A DOL Reminder That ADA Doesn't Limit FMLA Protections

Jeff Nowak discusses a newly issued U.S. Department of Labor opinion letter and court cases that remind employers that the FMLA fills in the gaps were the ADA may not necessarily apply.

March 16, 2023

New Gig Worker Act May Raise Prices, Reduce Earnings, Damage Competition

Jennifer Harpole and Michael Lotito talk about the effects of pay transparency in private-sector employment in light of The Gig Worker Transparency Act proposed in Colorado.
