Your search returned 335 results.

In the News
December 15, 2021

Top W&H Developments For Women In The Workforce In 2021

Breanne Martell and Kellie Tabor share their opinions on equal pay, pregnant worker needs and overall progress for women in the workforce.

December 13, 2021

4th Circuit Requires Gender Parity in Each Pay Component

Alice H. Wang writes about a challenge to the Sempowich v. Tactile Sys. Tech. Inc. decision, which has significant implications for how employers in certain states structure compensation.

Press Release
December 3, 2021

Littler Launches New Affinity Group for Individuals with Disabilities

This group, co-chaired by Associate Lauren Clements and Littler CaseSmart Program Director Anna Gualano, welcomes attorneys and staff with disabilities and their allies.

December 3, 2021

Addressing Workforce Diversity

Lisa Kathumbi writes about five actions employers should consider to strengthen their IE&D efforts without violating state and federal employment laws.

In the News
November 11, 2021

As Diversity Awareness Grows, So Too May Discrimination Claims, Employment Lawyers Say

Cindy-Ann L. Thomas and Richard Harris explain the reasons for an uptick in discrimination-based lawsuits.
