Your search returned 335 results.

In the News
March 24, 2022

Viewpoint: Bold corporate leadership needed to eliminate Equal Pay Day

Jeanine Conley Daves discusses the fact that women still, in the year 2022, are rarely compensated on par with their male counterparts and suggests solutions for workplace parity.

In the News
March 22, 2022

House Approves Bill to Ban Hairstyle Discrimination in the Workplace

In light of the CROWN Act moving to the U.S. Senate, Corinn Jackson recommends that employers review their appearance policies and ensure they are inclusive of racial, ethnic and cultural practices related to hair and hairstyles.

In the News
March 21, 2022

America’s Top Employers Are Winning at RaceData Transparency - Except Musk and Buffett

Jim Paretti weighs in on the EEO-1 form, which are private documents that provide granular detail about the number of Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native and white men and employees at every level of a company.

In the News
March 11, 2022

Pandemic Worsens Pay Inequity For Women, Experts Say

Patricia J. Martin explains how the pandemic has affected women in the workplace and pay equity.

In the News
March 9, 2022

12 Ways Companies Are Boosting Their DEI

Cindy-Ann Thomas said companies are good at getting employees in the door, but are not so good at asking why they leave.
