Your search returned 1490 results.

July 8, 2016

Employers Behaving Badly

Sarah Crossley reminds employers to treat individuals fairly and respectfully upon termination of…

June 30, 2016

Controlling Escalating Legal Costs through People, Process and Technology

Scott Forman publishes an article on the Littler CaseSmart platform and how it can help control…

June 21, 2016

How a Change in Marijuana Laws Could Affect Your Business

Bruce Sarchet explores the possible effects of a California marijuana initiative that could be on…

June 17, 2016

Confused About D.C.'s New Wage Law? Here's What You Should Know

Brandon Mita outlines the changes to Washington, D.C.’s new minimum wage law.Washington…

June 17, 2016

A Stronger Defense Against Trade Secret Theft

Jacqueline Phipps Polito and Hinna Upal describe the effects of the newly enacted Defend Trade…
