Your search returned 574 results.

In the News
May 27, 2022

How to Protect Your Business When Employees Get Poached

Joon Hwang offers tips for employers on protecting themselves through confidentiality agreements and restrictive covenants when employees leave.

May 26, 2022

AI and Workplace Transformation: Here’s what you need to know

Mickey Chichester and Britney Torres explore the transformational workplace changes retailers are facing as consumer expectations and behavior develop in the context of an ever-evolving regulatory environment.

May 25, 2022

Another arbitrator dismisses grievance disputing mandatory vaccination policy

Rhonda Levy and George Vassos discuss a case in which an arbitrator dismissed a grievance over a mandatory vaccination mandate and the lessons for Canadian employers.

In the News
May 23, 2022

How health information privacy laws apply when reopening the workplace

Devjani Mishra talks about why employers should carefully follow federal, state and local privacy laws when asking about and collecting employees’ health information.

In the News
May 18, 2022

Study puts waning employer vaccine mandates in focus

Devjani Mishra talks about the findings of Litter’s Annual Employer Survey and explains why there’s been an uptick in employer mandates.
