March 23, 2023

Utah Prohibits Use of Vaccination Status in Employment Decisions

Ethan D. Thomas and Brian D. Tuttle discuss a new Utah law that prevents employers, government entities and public places from discriminating against an individual based on their vaccination status or immunity passport.

March 23, 2023

U.S. Immigration Laws and the Peril of Using the United States as a Venue for International Arbitration Proceedings

Angel Valverde presents issues for development of international arbitration in the U.S., as there are no visas that specifically allow a foreign national to be employed as an arbitrator, attorney or expert witness in an arbitration proceeding.

In the News
March 22, 2023

Philadelphia Court Ruling Highlights Need for Clear PTO Policies

Stephanie Mills-Gallan and Adam Fiss weigh in on a recent federal appeals court ruling that employees’ accumulated paid time off is not a part of their salary under U.S. wage law.

In the News
March 22, 2023

Tiger Woods Case Tests Breadth of New #MeToo Nondisclosure Law

Jim Paretti comments on a lawsuit against golfer Tiger Woods by a former girlfriend could be the first to raise questions on the scope of a newly enacted #MeToo law.

In the News
March 21, 2023

Number of UK fit notes increases 11% to hit record high 10.4m

Sophie Vanhegan talks about the growing number of fit notes issued by NHS medical professionals and the factors that are affecting the mental health of employees.
