Your search returned 985 results.

October 2, 2015

Guest Column: Anticipating Changes to Overtime Regs

Tammy McCutchen and David Symes co-authored this article discussing the proposed overtime revisions…

In the News
September 23, 2015

Number of New FLSA Lawsuits Continues to Increase

Lee Schreter comments on the rise of FLSA lawsuits, particularly in Florida.Bloomberg BNA Labor…

In the News
September 23, 2015

5th Circuit Rebuke Could Give Employers An Edge in DOL Fights

Tammy McCutchen discusses the impact of the 5th Circuit ruling in which the Department of Labor…

In the News
September 7, 2015

Who Benefits From Culture of Long Work Hours

Garry Mathiason discusses how tech companies are blurring the lines between personal and work…

September 2, 2015

Heisenberg, Zeno, and the Department of Labor: A Problem with the Proposed FLSA Overtime Regulations

David Haase and Allan King co-authored this article on the Department of Labor’s proprosed…
