Your search returned 574 results.

In the News
July 27, 2020

EACCNY Post-Pandemic Labor Series Presents: Working from Home and the Challenges of Remote Supervision

Philip Berkowitz considers remote work implications for global employers.

In the News
July 17, 2020

Small Business: Companies face recording requirements for COVID-19

Andrea Lovell explores legal considerations in a remote work environment.

July 14, 2020

Permissibility of Employer Medical Testing in the Era of COVID-19

Courtney Chambers reminders employers to be alert to federal, state and local guidance regarding the virus.

In the News
July 8, 2020

Reopening the Workplace? Here are the Dos and Don’ts

Curtis Summers recommends keeping informative communication with employees.

July 7, 2020

More and More California Cities Are Adopting ‘Right-to-Recall’ Laws

Bruce Sarchet discusses the recent trend in California regarding cities passing employment laws applicable to employers within their city limits.
