In the News
December 22, 2015

Port Drivers Win Millions in Back Pay From Trucking Firm

Bob Millman is quoted on a recent decision by the California Labor Commissioner’s Office…

In the News
December 21, 2015

Who's In, Who's Out in Germany

Jeremy Roth and Peter Susser discuss Littler’s expansion into Germany.The American Lawyer…

In the News
December 18, 2015

Machine Learning: Cybersecurity Dream-Come-True or Pipe Dream?

Zev Eigen discusses the effectiveness of machine learning for organizational intelligence, including…

In the News
December 18, 2015

Seventh Circuit Rules Against EEOC Regarding CVS Separation Agreements

Barry Hartstein discusses how separation agreements will continue to be a topic of debate in…

In the News
December 17, 2015

San Bernardino Mass Shooting Reminds All Companies About Risks of Workplace

Terri Solomon discusses the necessary steps employers should take to implement a comprehensive…
