Your search returned 16 results.

September 23, 2020

New Executive Order Seeks to Regulate Diversity Training by Federal Contractors and Grant Recipients

On September 22, 2020, the White House released a new executive order, On Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping.

December 9, 2019

Rethinking Training – Bystander Intervention and Diversity & Inclusion Sessions

Asha Santos, Shareholder in Littler’s Boston office, explains the purpose of bystander intervention training and the value of diversity and inclusion sessions in today's workplace.

December 3, 2019

California’s Continued Reaction to #MeToo Two Years Later – the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

This podcast covers recent legislative developments, training, arbitration agreements and the extended statute of limitations for FEHA claims.

September 3, 2019

California Pushes Back Start Date for Small Business Anti-Harassment Training Requirement

On August 30, 2019, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 778, delaying mandatory anti-harassment training deadlines, and resolving confusion about retraining requirements for certain employees who already received training in 2018 or 2019.

April 10, 2019

New York City Publishes Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Video and New FAQs

On April 1, 2019, the New York City Commission on Human Rights published its free online training entitled “Confronting Sexual Harassment: Tools and strategies to create a harassment-free workplace.”

March 13, 2019

#MeToo Training 2.0: California Promotes Bystander Intervention Training

This podcast covers optional training that teaches employees how to evaluate and respond to problematic workplace situations.

February 14, 2019

What Do California's New Sexual Harassment Training Requirements Mean for Staffing Firms?

California's revised sexual harassment training law presents new challenges for the staffing firm industry and its diverse working environments.

January 17, 2019

We Have to Provide California Anti-Harassment Training Again?

Effective January 1, 2019, California SB 1343 greatly expanded Golden State employers'…

January 3, 2019

“Charting” a Course for the New Year: A Summary of California’s Expanded Employer Training Duties

To help employers grapple with enhanced training obligations in the Golden State, this article and the accompanying chart summarize the primary anti-harassment and human trafficking awareness training duties.

October 9, 2018

New York Anti-Sexual Harassment Requirements Take Full Effect

In this podcast, Littler attorneys Devjani Mishra and Emily Haigh help employers operating in New York State and City navigate these new requirements.
