Your search returned 93 results.

January 14, 2022

Employers in British Columbia, Canada are Required to Reactivate their COVID-19 Safety Plans

Due to high infection rates from the Omicron variant and an increase in hospitalizations, on January 7, 2022, British Columbia’s Provincial Health Officer announced an order requiring employers to re-activate their COVID-19 Safety Plans.

January 12, 2022

Canada: Bill C-3 Will Provide Paid Medical Leave and Other Leaves for Federal Employees and Prohibit Intimidation in Health Care

On December 17, 2021, Bill C-3, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Canada Labour Code (Bill C-3), received Royal Assent.

January 4, 2022

Ontario, Canada Temporarily Reverts to Step Two of Roadmap to Reopen with Modifications

In response to the recent rapid increase in COVID-19 hospitalizations caused by the highly transmissible nature of the Omicron variant, Ontario announced that it is temporarily moving back to Step Two of its Roadmap to Reopen with modifications.
