Your search returned 990 results.

August 6, 2009

Nomination of Mayorkas to Lead USCIS Clears Committee and Heads to Full Senate

The nomination of Alejandro Mayorkas as director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Citizenship

August 4, 2009

E-Verify Usage Continues to Increase

A recent USCIS study reports that American businesses authenticate 1 in 4 new hires’ work status using

August 4, 2009

Department of Homeland Security Unveils New Website and YouTube Channel

The Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) recently unveiled its updated website and YouTube channel.

August 4, 2009

Skilled Immigrants Leaving the United States in Record Numbers

 Increased unemployment, coupled with immigration restrictions and delays has resulted in many skilled

August 3, 2009

IT Firms Look to NAFTA to Offset Proposed Limit on H1-B Visas

Anticipating greater restrictions on H1-B visas, Indian IT firms operating in the United States are considering

July 31, 2009

Australia: Government Looks to Indian Professionals to Fill Employment Gaps

As reported by The Economic Times, due to an aging workforce and gaps in its IT, engineering, and medical

July 31, 2009

UAE: Fingerprints Now Required for Residency Visa

In an effort to prevent fraud and identity theft, next month the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Federal

July 30, 2009

India: Travelers with "Swine Flu" or Symptoms May Be Denied Visa

Due to the rise in H1N1 virus (“swine flu”) carried by foreign visitors, travelers to India must

July 24, 2009

United States May Lift HIV Travel Ban

The New York Daily News reports that the U.S. is moving toward ending its ban on HIV-infected foreigners

July 23, 2009

Requests for Evidence in Relation to H-1B and Green Card Applications Sharply Increasing

The H-1B and permanent residency programs are, as reported by Computerworld, under “assault” by the
