Your search returned 934 results.

February 2, 2011

Another Round of Health Care Legislation Hammers Congress

The pace of new healthcare-reform related bills introduction has not slowed. While it is unclear if any

February 2, 2011

Senate Forces Indirect Vote on Healthcare Repeal, Approves Amendment to Rescind 1099 Reporting Requirements

As expected, on Wednesday Senators opposed to the Affordable Care Act failed to gain sufficient votes

February 1, 2011

Health Care Studies Provide Insight into Employer, Employee Knowledge and Opinion of Health Care Law and Reform Efforts

Several recently-published studies on employer and employee reactions to the Affordable Care Act and

January 31, 2011

Florida Judge Rules Entire Affordable Care Act Unconstitutional

A month after a federal judge in Virginia ruled that the individual mandate provisions of the new health

January 28, 2011

Congressional Committees Hold Hearings on Health Care Law

As expected, members of the new Congress have scheduled a number of committee hearings to address the

January 25, 2011

House Steps Up Health Care Assault

Spurred by the momentum of passing a health care repeal bill last week, members of the House of Representatives

January 19, 2011

House Passes Health Care Repeal Bill

As expected and after two days of debate, the House of Representatives on Wednesday approved by a vote

January 18, 2011

Study Finds Health Care Law's Self-Insured Exemptions May Make Such Plans More Attractive to Small Firms

An issue brief published by the National Health Policy Forum claims that as the provisions of the Affordable

January 11, 2011

Supreme Court Holds Medical Resident Stipends Are Subject to FICA Tax

The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld a Treasury Department rule that considers medical residents as full-time

January 7, 2011

Health Care Repeal Bill Advances in House of Representatives

Wasting no time, the House of Representatives on Friday voted 236-181 in favor of a rule to consider
