Your search returned 934 results.

February 25, 2011

Lessons Galore from Eye-Popping $4.3 Million HIPAA Penalty

For the nearly eight years since the HIPAA Privacy Rule went into effect in April 2003, the U.S. Department

February 23, 2011

Alaska Governor Declines Federal Funds for Insurance Exchange Implementation While DC Judge Declares Health Care Law Constitutional

In light of the recent ruling by a Florida federal court judge that the entire Affordable Care Act is

February 22, 2011

House Approves Continuing Appropriations Bill that Would Defund Affordable Care Act, Slash Agency Budgets

Early Saturday morning, the House of Representatives approved by a 235-189 margin the Full-Year Continuing

February 17, 2011

ERRP Funds Will Likely be Exhausted by the End of 2012

According to the budget request for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Early

February 17, 2011

House Judiciary Committee Holds Hearing to Examine Individual Mandate

On Wednesday, the House Committee on the Judiciary met to discuss the constitutionality of the Affordable

February 16, 2011

Painkiller Abuse: A Prescription for Employers

Substance abuse is a problem that plagues all workplaces.  The abuse of controlled substance painkillers

February 14, 2011

Tax Break: IRS Allows Breast Pumps As Deductible Medical Expense

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently reversed course and announced that breast pumps and other

February 10, 2011

House Committee Holds Hearing on Health Care Law's Impact on the Economy, Employers and the Workforce

On Wednesday, the full House Committee on Education and the Workforce heard contrasting testimony on

February 8, 2011

Legislating Wellness: Proposed Bills to Support Workplace Wellness Programs

As many legislative sessions kick off around the country, interest remains high among lawmakers to encourage

February 4, 2011

Illinois Enacts Civil Union Law with Broad Implications for Employers

On February 1, 2011, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed SB 1716, the Illinois Religious Freedom Protection
