Your search returned 133 results.

Littler Report
December 13, 2018

Future Workforce - 2018 Thought Leadership Roundtable Report

The development and deployment of increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI), robots, and other automated systems are transforming workplaces globally, redefining needed workforce roles, skills, and jobs, and reinventing work itself.

Littler Report
November 12, 2018

Littler's Executive Employer Survey – Europe 2018

This report summarises the results of Littler’s first annual European survey on which legal…

Littler Report
June 11, 2018

The Implications of Dynamex Operations West v. Superior Court: California's Adoption of the ABC Test for Purposes of the Wage Orders

The California Supreme Court’s adoption of a strict ABC test for purposes of the wage orders is likely to cause significant problems for California businesses that use independent contractors.

Littler Report
May 23, 2018

How a Multinational Employer Can Craft a Global Social Media Policy

This article addresses how a multinational headquarters can surmount cross-border legal hurdles and craft a viable and enforceable global social media policy.

Littler Report
May 14, 2018

"Purloined Letters": Management Options When a Departing Employee Puts a Business Entity at Risk by Collecting Confidential Business or Personnel Information for Use in the Employee's Personal Litigation

The purpose of this paper is to describe an employer’s legal rights and options when an employee has removed confidential information without permission.

Littler Report
May 2, 2018

The Littler Annual Employer Survey 2018

Employers are feeling some regulatory relief following a year that brought several changes to…

Littler Report
April 17, 2018

How to Generate, File, Retain and Execute Electronic HR Documents While Complying with Employee Records Laws and Electronic Signature Protocols—Worldwide

This article addresses how a multinational employer’s electronic information systems can comply, worldwide, with old legal rules that presuppose HR documents on paper.

Littler Report
February 27, 2018

Annual Report on EEOC Developments — Fiscal Year 2017

This Annual Report on EEOC Developments—Fiscal Year 2017, our seventh annual Report, is designed as a comprehensive guide to significant EEOC developments over the past fiscal year.

Littler Report
February 27, 2018

How to Employ—and Payroll—a Telecommuter Working from Home Overseas

International telecommuters pose special problems beyond the basic logistics of engaging a local telecommuter. How best to employ and payroll a given international telecommuter depends on the specific context or scenario at issue.

Littler Report
January 30, 2018

Challenging Harassment in the Workplace: A Key Priority at the EEOC

While EEO compliance remains an important objective for the employer community, minimizing the risk of facing a harassment claim has become a top priority.
