Your search returned 566 results.

September 4, 2008

New Jersey Court Ruling re Workplace Computer Privacy Leaves Tough Questions Unanswered

Joseph Braun, the owner of a New Jersey label manufacturer, hired the wrong bookkeeper and paid a hefty

August 18, 2008

Enforcing a Ban on Political Activity Over Your Corporate Network Risks Violating the NLRA

Many employers include in their electronic resources policy a blanket prohibition on “engaging in any

August 1, 2008

What To Do About Corporate "Twitter"?

Some companies, like on-line retailer, are sponsoring corporate twitter sites. What is “twitter”? According

July 10, 2008

DOT Tightens Drug Testing Regulations; Loss of Privacy Attributed to Cheaters

UPDATE: After the regulations described below were published, implementation of a portion of the rules

July 7, 2008

A Case to Watch re Workplace Monitoring: Sidell v. Structured Settlement Investments

While the case is still in the early stages, Sidell v. Structured Settlement Investments, LP et al,

July 7, 2008

Employee Text Messages Are Not Inviolate: Understanding and Navigating the Ninth Circuit's Decision in Quon v. Arch Wireless Operating Company

The headlines proclaiming the end of employer monitoring have vastly overstated the impact on the workplace

June 23, 2008

Connecticut Becomes Only the Second State to Mandate an Employee Data Protection Policy

With the State of Connecticut reeling from a series of massive security breaches that have exposed the

June 23, 2008

Connecticut Becomes Only the Second State to Mandate an Employee Data Protection Policy

With the State of Connecticut reeling from a series of massive security breaches that have exposed the

June 20, 2008

Quon Ruling Not Significant Obstacle to Employers' Accessing Text Messages

The Los Angeles Times reported on June 19, 2008, that the Ninth Circuit’s decision in Quon v. Arch

June 11, 2008

Philip Gordon Answers Questions About Workplace Privacy Issues

Philip Gordon will present at the International Association of Privacy Professionals' (IAPP) human
