Your search returned 83 results.

2 the Point Video
October 27, 2020

Can an employer require two calls from an employee to request FMLA leave?

Although some courts have upheld an employer’s right to require an employee to notify multiple parties about FMLA leave, others have limited employer options.

Dear Littler
September 30, 2020

Dear Littler: What are our voting leave obligations?

With the election coming up, employees in various states are asking about time off to vote. I thought everyone was voting by mail this year? What leave must we provide?

2 the Point Video
September 1, 2020

Can an employer regulate its employees' political speech or activity in the workplace?

What's an employer to do if political activities negatively impact its workplace? The first consideration is the First Amendment.

Dear Littler
August 26, 2020

Dear Littler: How Do We Manage Time Off, Scheduling & Accommodation Requests from Employees with Children Whose Education is Affected by COVID-19?

School scheduling uncertainties are making it increasingly difficult for our employees, who are parents with school-age children, to balance their work and parental responsibilities. What laws apply here?

2 the Point Video
August 25, 2020

Can an employer conduct reasonable suspicion drug testing?

In almost every U.S. jurisdiction an employer can ask workers who appear to be impaired or otherwise in violation of the employer’s drug and alcohol testing policy to submit to a reasonable suspicion drug test.

2 the Point Video
July 28, 2020

What are some strategies to help employers eliminate bias in the talent recruitment process?

Employers should take a holistic view of the various stages in the talent recruitment process to help eliminate bias. If employers wait until the interview to implement strategies to combat bias, the talent pool might already be skewed.

Dear Littler
February 25, 2020

Dear Littler: What to Do When an Employee Threatens Suicide?

One of our employees told a coworker that she is very depressed and contemplating suicide. What should we do to help our employee get the help she needs, and ensure we are meeting any duties we might have as her employer?

Dear Littler
December 9, 2019

Dear Littler: Can We Still Maintain Hairstyle and Personal Grooming Policies?

Our handbook restricts employees on the sales floor from wearing facial piercings, visible tattoos, long beards and dreadlocks. We’ve heard that new laws prohibit “hairstyle discrimination” and restrict dress codes. Can we still maintain our look?

November 5, 2019

The 60-Day Countdown to Compliance

The U.S. Department of Labor's Final Rule changing the "white collar" overtime…

September 24, 2019

The DOL’s New Overtime Rule and What it Means for U.S. Employers

A video presentation explaining the four significant aspects of the rule and how employers can prepare now to comply with the DOL's ambitious January 1, 2020 deadline.
