Your search returned 2809 results.

December 14, 2010

Term Limits for Contingent Workers: Urban Legend or Necessary Fix?

Many companies that use contingent workers maintain policies that limit the duration of those workers'

December 13, 2010

Board's Dana Decision Approves Broader Scope for Card Check and Neutrality Agreements

With its December 6 decision in Dana Corp., 356 NLRB No 49, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB

December 9, 2010

New York District Court Clarifies the Jurisdictional Scope of the Alien Tort Claims Act and Torture Victim Protection Act

In a decision issued in late November, the Eastern District of New York confirmed the limited scope of

December 7, 2010

Avoiding the Hangover: Minimizing Liability for Holiday Parties

The end of the year is a time to celebrate. Employers often take the opportunity to join the celebration

December 6, 2010

Blindsided? Franchise Successor Liability in the Hospitality Industry

Many companies active in the hospitality business operate as franchisees. Patrons and employees may not

December 2, 2010

Pennsylvania Overtime Exemptions for Domestic Services Differ from Federal Law – Agency Home Care Aides Must Be Paid Overtime

Pennsylvania's minimum wage law requires that an employee who works in excess of 40 hours in a workweek

December 1, 2010

New York Federal Court Rejects Attempt to Litigate Alleged Human Rights Abuses in the U.S.

In what continues to be a flurry of activity in U.S. federal courts involving allegations of human rights

November 29, 2010

New Jersey Supreme Court Limits Employer Liability for State Unequal Wage Claims

On November 23, 2010, the New Jersey Supreme Court conformed New Jersey discriminatory wage payment law

November 24, 2010

Yes We Can[nabis]!: Voters Approve the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act

On November 2, 2010, Arizona voters approved the Arizona Medical Marijuana Initiative by a slim 50.13%

November 22, 2010

California Employers Can't Get a Break: Supreme Court Applies Longer, Three-Year Statute of Limitations to Claims for Waiting Time Penalties

In yet another blow to employers, the California Supreme Court unanimously announced in Pineda v. Bank
