Your search returned 254 results.

May 2, 2012

Can "Friends" Be Trade Secrets?

Unfair competition litigation frequently involves disputes over whether information actually constitutes

April 24, 2012

Should Courts Revisit the Rule Limiting a Non-Competition Injunction to the Term Provided in an Employment Contract?

It is well-established that an injunction to enforce a non-compete provision should not extend beyond

April 19, 2012

Ninth Circuit Rules the CFAA Requires Proof of Hacking

Last week, the Ninth Circuit published its long awaited en banc decision, authored by Chief Judge Alex

April 10, 2012

Seventh Circuit Case Highlights Importance of Documenting Steps to Maintain Privacy of Trade Secrets

Under the Uniform Trade Secrets Act, a “trade secret” is information that (1) derives independent

March 30, 2012

Employee Handbook Provision Not Enough for Enforceable Confidentiality Agreement

A New Jersey district court recently held that an employee handbook provision could not be enforced as

March 27, 2012

District Court Shows Way to Obtain Non-Solicitation Injunction in California

Companies seeking to prohibit unlawful solicitation of customers should be encouraged by a recent federal

March 22, 2012

Computer Forensics Fill in Wrinkles in Botox Trade Secrets Dispute

In the ongoing battle between competitors in the aesthetics field, the court in Allergan, Inc. v. Merz

March 20, 2012

Minnesota Court Narrowly Interprets the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

Recently, a Minnesota federal district court construed the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act narrowly

February 27, 2012

Data Preservation is Critical in Trade Secrets Cases

In a recent trade secrets case, Amron International Diving Supply, Inc. v. Hydrolinx Diving Communication

February 27, 2012

California Court Finds Obtaining Trade Secrets Through Reverse Engineering Permissible

A federal court in Los Angeles dismissed the plaintiff’s trade secrets claims in Aqua Connection Inc.
