Your search returned 1564 results.

October 23, 2012

State Minimum Wages in 2013

The 2013 federal minimum wage will remain unchanged at $7.25 per hour for non-tipped employees, and $2.13

October 18, 2012

Illinois Federal Court Decertifies Automatic Meal-Break Deduction Class Action

Courts are continuing to reject class and collective actions asserting claims against hospitals for automatic

October 11, 2012

Cast Your Vote for Compliance: Issues to Consider Regarding Voting Leave Requirements

Election Day, Tuesday, November 6, 2012, is less than one month away. Aside from the obvious question

October 3, 2012

New California Bill Clarifies that Non-Exempt Employee Salary Covers Only Regular Non-Overtime Hours

The favorable outcome for some employers in Arechiga v. Dolores Press, 192 Cal. App. 4th 567 (2011),

October 2, 2012

New Employment Laws that Will Affect California Private Sector Employers

The California Legislature was active this past session. As a result, numerous wage and hour laws have

October 2, 2012

What's New? California's Major 2012 Employment Laws Affecting Private Sector Employers

The members of the California State Senate and Assembly introduced 1,899 bills this year, and the legislature

September 27, 2012

Texas Federal Court Finds Direct Care Specialists Employees, Not Independent Contractors

A recent decision by a Texas federal court, in Chapman v. ASUI Healthcare of Texas Inc., underscores

September 19, 2012

Maine Supreme Court Addresses Whether Sharing of Mandatory Service Charge Violates Tip Credit Law

In the latest decision concerning service charges and tips in the hospitality industry, the Maine Supreme

September 13, 2012

North Carolina Governor Beverly Purdue Forms Task Force to Scrutinize Independent Contractor Misclassification

On August 22, 2012, Governor Beverly Perdue issued Executive Order 125 establishing a task force to address

September 12, 2012

Fluctuating Workweek Under Attack in Pennsylvania

In a pair of recent decisions, the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania
