The EEOC has issued a new fact sheet, “Wearables in the Workplace: Using Wearable Technologies Under Federal Employment Discrimination Laws,” which provides “pointers” to employers that utilize wearable technologies in their workforce.
California’s legislature covered a wide array of labor and employment law topics in the 2024 legislative session. This Insight includes highlights of some of the new laws affecting employers doing business in the Golden State.
In response to two questions certified by the 7th Circuit, the Delaware Supreme Court clarified that forfeiture-for-competition provisions in employment agreements are subject to a looser review standard.
On December 10, 2024, the National Labor Relations Board issued a decision reinstating its prior standard for determining whether a union has contractually waived its right to bargain over changes to terms and conditions of employment.
As 2024 comes to an end, we reflect on the year's developments and turn our attention to the significant employment law changes that await UK employers in 2025 and beyond.