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December 16, 2021

24 Key Developments in Canadian Labour and Employment Law in 2021

In 2021, Canada saw significant statutory and case law developments in labour and employment law, some of which related to COVID-19. This Insight provides an overview of key 2021 developments, with links to more detailed articles and commentary.

November 30, 2021

Ontario, Canada Court Confirms Unions Must Challenge Mandatory Vaccination Policies Before Labour Arbitrators Rather than Courts

The Ontario Superior Court recently dismissed union applications for injunctions to restrain two entities from suspending or terminating unvaccinated employees before their mandatory vaccination policies could be challenged in the grievance process.

November 18, 2021

Ontario, Canada: Arbitration Award Considers Issues Pertaining to “Vaccinate or Test” Policies

An arbitrator recently considered issues relating to a Vaccinate or Test Policy that provided, among other things, that if employees refuse to test, they will be placed on an unpaid leave of absence for a maximum of six weeks and terminated thereafter.

November 12, 2021

Ontario, Canada: Arbitrator Upholds Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

An Ontario arbitrator recently dismissed a union’s policy grievance and upheld a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy on the grounds that it was reasonable and did not breach the collective agreement.

November 10, 2021

Ontario, Canada Court Ends Injunction Staying Termination of Unvaccinated Employees under Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Policy on Jurisdictional Grounds

On October 29, 2021, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice discontinued an interim injunction that it had issued on October 22, 2021, staying the terminations of several healthcare employees who were not fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

November 8, 2021

Supreme Court of Canada Finds Exclusive Arbitral Jurisdiction in Manitoba Human Rights Disputes

The Supreme Court of Canada recently decided that in Manitoba, human rights disputes arising from the interpretation, application, or alleged violation of a collective agreement fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of a labour arbitrator.

September 30, 2021

Ontario, Canada Court Finds Limitation Period Not Extended When Employee Remains with Employer to Mitigate Damages Following Constructive Dismissal

In a recent decision, an Ontario court stated that an employee’s efforts to mitigate his losses arising from the alleged constructive dismissal did not toll the limitation period and were irrelevant to when the limitation period began to run.

June 24, 2021

Alberta Court of Appeal Confirms Complainants Need Not Prove Reasonable Efforts to Self-accommodate to Establish Family Status Discrimination

The Alberta Court of Appeal recently confirmed that the applicable test for establishing family status discrimination in Alberta is the test established in Moore v. British Columbia (Education), which applies to other enumerated grounds of discrimination.

February 22, 2021

Supreme Court of Canada Clarifies Duty to Exercise Contractual Discretion in Good Faith

The Supreme Court of Canada has issued its decision in Wastech Services Ltd. v. Greater Toronto Sewage and Drainage District, which clarifies a party’s duty to exercise contractual discretion in good faith.

January 7, 2021

14 Key Developments in Canadian Labour & Employment Law in 2020

As we entered a new decade in 2020, Canada saw significant developments in labour and employment law, some of which related to COVID-19.
