Date & Time
Thursday, January 28, 2016
8:00 am-10:45 am
   |   Live Event
Continuing Education:
CLE, SPHR/PHR and SHRM certifications are pending approval.

Contact Juleantonette Lopez at or (408) 795-3432

This program will provide an overview of the latest major employment and labor laws affecting California employers. We will review the positive and negative effects of recent litigation and its impact on your human resource and employment practices. We will also explore a range of cutting edge labor and employment topics affecting employers of all sizes, such as:

• How to avoid disability lawsuits as the ADA turns 25
• Anti-bullying training at work: one year and counting 
• LGBT developments in the workplace  
• Making sure your wage statements won't get you sued and other wage/hour tips 
• What did Governor Brown sign? New labor/employment laws effective 1/1/16

Check-in: 8:00 - 8:30 am
Presentation: 8:30 - 10:30 am
Q and A: 10:30 - 10:45 am

Cost: $35 includes presentation materials and breakfast

Bay Area Labor and Employment Law Breakfast Briefing Series

The “Labor & Employment Law Developments: Looking Back at 2015 & Ahead to 2016” presentation is being offered a variety of dates and locations: