Contact Claire Krummenacher at or 615.514.4187
Every good HR professional and in-house lawyer knows that some HR risks are worth taking while others are not. Given this reality, what do you tell a manager who insists that the best candidate for employment should have his offer withdrawn because the background check shows he sold marijuana to an undercover police officer 10 years ago? Or what advice do you give to the CEO when she says that we must set diversity targets and make managers meet those goals and she “doesn’t care what the law says – our lack of diversity is killing our brand?”
This program focuses on the balance between business need and legal compliance and will be entirely scenario-based, using videos and other tools. Each scenario will involve a specific risk-related decision where a legitimate business need seems at odds with a legal constraint.
Registration: 3:45 - 4:00 pm
Program: 4:00 - 5:00 pm
Happy Hour: 5:00 - 5:30 pm