Date & Time
Thursday, June 25, 2020
1:00 pm-1:30 pm
   |   Webinar

Contact Rachel Link at

Colorado's COMPS Order 36 overhauled wage and hour law in Colorado just as the coronavirus hit. This webinar will advise employers on common questions at the intersection of COVID-19 related orders and wage and hour including:

  • Do I have to pay my employees for conducting temperature and symptom checks before they come to work? What if we test them at the work site?
  • My employee says she doesn't have a thermometer. Do I need to purchase one for her?
  • There's a long wait at the elevator due to limited capacity. Do I need to pay for my employee's time waiting to get to my office?

Insights From Colorado: The Post-COVID-19 Workplace Webinar Series

It has become apparent COVID-19 is going to dominate employment and labor law issues for the foreseeable future. As Colorado employers begin to return their nonessential employees to the workplace, they must stay informed of the evolving labor and employment law challenges in maintaining a compliant COVID-19 work environment including the impact on day-to-day issues that predated the COVID-19 pandemic. Join our Denver attorneys for this webinar series, where each session will provide practical advice on topics such as health and safety measures, wage and hour pitfalls, accommodation issues, and many other legal risks that may arise in this new and uncharted environment.


1:00 p.m. PT
2:00 p.m. MT
3:00 p.m. CT
4:00 p.m. ET

Duration: 30 minutes

Webinar is complimentary. Our webinar capacity is limited - register soon.
