Golden State Update

State Flag of CaliforniaIn 2011, for the first time since 2003, California's legislative process was controlled by a governor and a legislature of the same party. Yet the results at the end of this year's session were not as one-sided as some had predicted or expected. In the first year of his second administration as Governor of California, Jerry Brown stayed true to his promise to paddle on both sides of the canoe when deciding which of the 889 bills presented to him he would sign, and which he would veto. For California private sector employers, the results reflect the governor's methodology. To learn more about the bills signed into law this month by California's governor that affect all, or many, California private sector employers, please continue reading Littler's ASAP, Paddling on Each Side: How California Private Sector Employers Must Change Their Operations in 2012, by Christopher Cobey and Isela Pérez.

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