In the News
July 8, 2021

FCA and PRA proposals for more intensive monitoring and public reporting of diversity are ground breaking

Natasha Adom discusses proposals from the FCA, PRA and Bank of England that would require financial services firms to provide more detailed monitoring and report of diversity and inclusion.

In the News
July 8, 2021

Breaking the Ice: Attorney Leads Online Employment Law Platform

Minnesota Lawyer profiles Stephanie Sarantopoulos who has taken over as program director of Littler onDemand.

In the News
July 8, 2021

What Federal and State Leave Laws Apply to Your Remote Employee?

Jeff Nowak offers insights on how FMLA applies to remote workers.

In the News
July 8, 2021

President’s Expected Order Discouraging Non-Compete Clauses Could Buoy Brokers on the Move

Scott McDonald offers his thoughts on an executive order that would ask the FTC to adopt rules to curtail non-compete agreements.

July 7, 2021

Risks in Internal Audits of Compliance Policies

In this edition of his Employment Issues column, Philip Berkowitz writes that if you are internal counsel or a human resources executive, your compliance department may want to review not only policies, but also backup data.
