July 28, 2021

Mandating COVID-19 Vaccines

With the COVID-19 vaccine becoming more widespread, Jim Paretti and Kaitlyn A. Hansen share their insight with employers about how to return employees to work safely. (Subscription required.)

In the News
July 28, 2021

Managers will have to enforce rules for unvaccinated employees, and it won't be easy

Devjani Mishra discusses the fact that employers are starting to take a harder stance on unvaccinated employees to keep their workplaces safe.

In the News
July 28, 2021

EU Adopts New Standard Contractual Clauses for Data Transfers

Philip Gordon discusses the European Commission’s new standard contractual clauses to permit transfers of personal data form the EU to other countries.

In the News
July 28, 2021

Charlotte contemplates a ban on workplace discrimination, but some employment lawyers are underwhelmed; ‘momentous’ or just symbolism?

Jennifer Staples provides insight into Charlotte’s proposed nondiscrimination ordinance and what employers should do to prepare for it.

In the News
July 28, 2021

Will new federal mask guidelines revive workplace mandates?

Devjani Mishra weighs in on whether revised federal guidelines advising unvaccinated and vaccinated people to wear masks will push employers to require masks in workplaces.
