Your search returned 1501 results.

August 1, 2008

An Employer’s Perspective on Severance Agreements

Contra Costa LawyerHarry DeCourcy authored this article discussing considerations employers should make

July 17, 2008

Rise of ADR for Workplace Disputes

New York Law JournalIn his third installment for the New York Law Journal on trends in employment law,

June 12, 2008

Proceed with Caution in Restricting Union Buttons

Law360.comIn this attorney-authored article, Gregory Keating and Roberta Ruiz of Littler's Boston

June 1, 2008

Pandemic – Is Your Workplace Prepared for Disaster?

North Carolina Bar JournalThis article, authored by Donald Benson of Littler's Atlanta office and

April 17, 2008

Leading the Way in E-Discovery

New York Law JournalIn this attorney-authored article, A. Michael Weber of Littler's New York office
