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December 8, 2008

About Barry Hartstein

Barry Hartstein, a shareholder in Littler's Chicago office, has earned a national reputation for his

December 8, 2008

First Federal Court Decision to Uphold "Termination" Based on MySpace Content Rejects First Amendment Claim of the "Drunken Pirate"

The fundamental problem with Snyder’s case from a dynamic perspective was her failure to heed the university’s

December 7, 2008

About Peter Susser

Peter Susser, a shareholder in Littler's Washington, DC, office, has represented employers and trade

November 21, 2008

Massachusetts Extends Deadline for Compliance with Data Security Breach Regulations

On Friday November 14, 2008, the Massachusetts Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation (OCABR)

October 23, 2008

New Massachusetts Regulations Impose Substantial Obligations on Human Resources Departments to Safeguard Employees' Personal Information

New Massachusetts regulations, effective January 1, 2009, are a clarion call for corporate human resources

October 17, 2008


This Blog/Web Site is made available by the lawyer or law firm publisher for educational purposes only

October 16, 2008

About Tammy McCutchen

Tammy McCutchen, a shareholder in Littler’s Washington, D.C. office, is a leading authority on wage

October 15, 2008

Tenth Circuit Endorses "Fluctuating Workweek" Method of Calculating Overtime for Misclassified Salaried Employees

In a decision that could lead to significant litigation cost savings for employers, the United States

September 16, 2008

About Bob Battista

Nominated by President George W. Bush on October 4, 2002, confirmed by the United States Senate on November

September 15, 2008

Is Employee Web Surfing During Working Hours Really a Problem?

Management-side lawyers and human resources professionals need to start thinking deeply about the key
