Date & Time
Friday, October 24, 2014
7:00 am
   |   Live Event

The discussion will center on the competing demands on the textile industry and its workers, primarily in Latin America, Africa and South Asia, to:

  • Increase production following the passage of free trade agreements
  • Develop standards which prevent disasters of the type that occurred last year in the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh

The panel will address the use and oversight of subcontractors, the inclusion of worker protection and unionization provisions in Free Trade Agreements, and the differences between South America and Asia in the challenges and pressures facing garment manufacturers and employees. The panel will provide vital insights for attorneys, executives, and officials involved in the garment industry, whether in Latin America, the United States, or elsewhere in the world.

Program: 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Registration Fees & Information: Visit the ABA website


  • Renata Neeser, Shareholder, Littler Global
  • Robert B. Fitzpatrick, Senior Partner, Robert B. Fitzpatrick, PLLC
  • María Eugenia Cantenys, Associate, Marval, O´Farrell & Mairal
  • William Wright, Partner, Fisher & Phillips

Hilton Buenos Aires
Macacha Güemes 351
Buenos Aires, Argentina 

Questions? Call (800) 285-2221 or email


Renata Neeser
